Basic Watercolor Skills for New Artists

Are you a newbie to the world of watercolor painting? Do you want to learn basic watercolor skills to kick-start your creative journey? If yes, then you are in the right place. This post will review some of the essential watercolor skills for new artists.

Watercolor Painting Essentials

Watercolor painting is like no other medium. It requires a distinctive set of skills that come from familiarity and practice. Here are the core skills you need to master as a watercolor beginner-

Understanding your materials

An important skill is understanding the various watercolor materials, their different properties, and how to use them together. Water is the basis of watercolor paint, and understanding how different colors and techniques interact with its nature is crucial.

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Color theory basics

Knowledge of basic color theory, color mixing, and creating color harmony is essential to watercolor painting. Understanding the color wheel, hue, saturation, and value of color will assist you in creating visually cohesive artwork.

The watercolor painting academy has a full 30 lessons beginner course that will help you understand color theory.

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A solid grasp of basic color theory, color mixing, and creating color harmony is necessary to achieve a successful and aesthetically pleasing watercolor painting.

It is imperative to understand the color wheel, hue, saturation, and value of color as they serve as the foundation of watercolor painting. Knowledge of these elements will enable you to create a visually cohesive masterpiece that will capture the attention of any viewer.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different color combinations and saturations to create the desired mood for your painting. A thorough understanding of color theory will give you the creative freedom to communicate your intended message effectively through watercolor painting.

Brushwork and techniques

The brush is like an extension of your hand. Brush control and selecting the right brush stroke techniques for different painting effects is an essential skill every watercolor artist should have.

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As an accomplished watercolor artist, you know that the brush is not just a tool but a true extension of your hand.

Achieving perfection in brush control is an essential skill every watercolor artist should have.

The art of selecting the right brush stroke techniques for different painting effects truly sets apart exceptional artists.

The brush stroke techniques you use will create different textures, flow, and thicknesses of color. Practice makes perfect when it comes to brush control, and every stroke you make should be a conscious decision informed by your artistic vision.

Layering and glazing

Watercolor painting is about layering colors to create texture, depth, and intensity. Glazing another layer on a painted layer to create a translucency effect is also helpful.

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Composition and design

How you design and compose your painting is as important as the painting itself. Selecting a subject, doing preliminary sketches, setting an appropriate tone, and creating interesting shapes and lines are important aspects to consider.

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As an artist, your painting is not limited to your chosen colors and materials. How you design and compose your painting is equally important to bring out the true essence of your art.

The selection of a subject is the first step toward creating a masterpiece. Doing preliminary sketches will give you an idea about the composition, the details, and the balance of the painting. Setting an appropriate tone will express the mood and emotion you want to convey through your painting.

And finally, creating interesting shapes and lines will add depth and dimension to your artwork. Considering these aspects meticulously will add value to your painting and make it stand out amongst the rest.


In conclusion, mastering these basic watercolor skills will set you on the path to becoming a skilled artist. Take your time and practice these techniques until they become innate. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your paintbrushes and let the creative juices flow!

The reader is encouraged to share their watercolor painting experiences and any additional tips they might have by commenting below.

Lesly & Yana

Yana & Lesly

Yana & Lesly are a multicultural couple who have combined their love of art & travel into a full-time career. Yana is a professional watercolor artist, and Lesly is a product designer. They host art events and workshops & maintain an online academy.

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