Essential Watercolor Supplies for First-Time Painters

Starting your watercolor journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. With so many options available, gathering the right supplies is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. This blog post will help you assemble the perfect toolkit for first-time watercolor painters.

Watercolor Paints

The first and most important item on your list should be watercolor paints. Various types and brands are available, but it’s best to start with a basic set as a beginner.

Essential Watercolor Supplies for First-Time Painters
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Types of watercolor paints:

  • Pans: These are small, dry cakes of paint that are activated with water. They’re compact and great for traveling.
  • Tubes: These contain moist paint and provide more pigment, allowing for vibrant colors. They’re suitable for larger projects.

Recommended brands for beginners:

  • Winsor & Newton Cotman
  • Van Gogh
  • Sakura Koi

Watercolor Paper

The right paper is crucial to achieving beautiful watercolor results. Look for paper specifically designed for watercolor painting, as it will be more absorbent and durable.

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Types of watercolor paper:

  • Cold-pressed: This is the most popular option for beginners, offering a medium texture suitable for various techniques.
  • Hot-pressed: This paper has a smooth surface, ideal for detailed work but may be more challenging for beginners.
  • Rough: This type has a pronounced texture, which can create interesting effects but may be less forgiving for new painters.

Recommended watercolor paper brands:

  • Arches
  • Strathmore
  • Canson


Investing in a few good-quality brushes will significantly impact your painting experience. You don’t need an extensive collection as a beginner, but having a few different sizes and shapes will help you explore various techniques.

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Essential brushes for beginners:

  • Round brush (size 6 and 12)
  • Flat brush (1/2 inch)
  • Small detail brush

Recommended brush brands:

  • Winsor & Newton
  • Princeton
  • Da Vinci

Additional Supplies

Besides paints, paper, and brushes, you’ll also need a few other items to complete your watercolor toolkit.

Must-have supplies:

  • Palette: A mixing surface to blend your paints. Look for a palette with multiple wells to hold your colors.
  • Water container: A cup or jar to rinse your brushes.
  • Paper towels: Useful for blotting your brush and cleaning up spills.
  • Masking tape: Helpful for securing your paper to a flat surface and creating clean borders.
  • Pencil and eraser: For sketching your composition before painting.

Now that you have your essential watercolor supplies, it’s time to start exploring the world of watercolor painting. Remember, practice makes perfect, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. Happy painting!

Lesly & Yana

Yana & Lesly

Yana & Lesly are a multicultural couple who have combined their love of art & travel into a full-time career. Yana is a professional watercolor artist, and Lesly is a product designer. They host art events and workshops & maintain an online academy.

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